Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Making a Mama's heart melt!

New babies bring joy to those that love them, and even to some who just see them in passing. A baby's first smiles will most certainly bring smiles from whoever sees them. So, with my daughter's discovery that her own smile illicits one from Mama, I've been smiling a lot these days. She truly is a blessing to our growing family!

Other reasons that this Mama is smiling lately is that the creative juices haven't stopped flowing! So many plans for upcoming projects are just floating around waiting to get sewn up! So far, in the planning stages, I've got:

~the Mama Bag~ can be used as either a purse, a diaper bag, or both!

~cloth pull-ups~ the same convenience as disposable pull-ups but the benefits of cloth!

If anybody else has ideas brewing in their creative brains of what they'd like to see available, leave a comment. All ideas will be considered!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Getting My Craft On!

It has been a very long time since this mama has felt physically capable of sitting in one place long enough to do anything crafty. Of course, late pregnancy will do that to a gal. Yup, that's right, I was pregnant again. Now I'm a new mommy again =). Little Miss Ryleigh Maxine has joined the family as of May 26th at 7:26am.

Like with the arrival of my son, the arrival of Little Miss has sparked a major creative flare in me. I've got cloth diapers galore cut and ready to be sewn, a new pattern for trainers for a little girl I know in the "testing" stages, and oodles of crazy creative ideas flowing. Anyway, with the resurgence of my crafting urges I have decided to try once again at getting a small WAHM business up and running.

For now my items will be available primarily through Etsy ( but eventually I am planning on partnering up with a Doula friend of mine and doing a booth at our local farmer's market. I'll be offering everything from cloth diapers & accessories, to blankets and soft toys. At the moment my Etsy store is a bit sparse because most of the diapers I'm currently making are for Little Miss and for a custom order I took on before my pregnancy with her made it unbearable to sit for long periods of time. Once I work both of those projects down more I'll be making more stuff for the store.

I suppose that since Little Miss is finally sleeping, after quite a fussy day, that its time for me to go to sleep as well. Hopefully I'll be keeping this a bit more up-to-date here in the near future. No promises though as I'm still adjusting to being a mommy of two under two years old!