Thursday, August 20, 2009

An Introduction of Sorts

I'm horrible at introductions so I'm not going to try and dress this up at all, I'm just going to give you a sample schedule of my day and maybe once you see that you'll have learned something about me.

7:50am - Crawl out of bed carefully so as not to wake my 11 month old monster... I mean son.
8:15am - Rush out the door muttering about being late to work because I just could not get out of bed earlier because the monster is just so snuggly.
8:30am - (or thereabouts) Clock in at work and putter through however many hours they have me scheduled for while I roast in the little room they keep me in ringing outcustomers.

1:30pm(or later) - Finally win my freedom for the day (get off work) and head home!
1:45pm - Arrive home, eye my pitiful flower beds that still need weeding, then go inside to be reunited with the monster and the hubby who are either playing or enjoying lunch.
2:30pm - Clean monster baby up from his lunch and let him loose to run amok with his toys while I (hopefully) take time to sew a diaper or blanket (my home business), or do laundry or, heaven forbid, eat my own lunch and relax.

6:30pm - Feed monster baby his dinner, nibble on a few of his cheerios to encourage him to eat them rather than fling them all over the floor in his attempt to "save them for later"
8:30pm - Eat my own dinner, likely prepared by my hubby since he's the better cook in the family (I do better with baking) and share about half of it with our "bird" aka baby.
9:30pm - Nurse the sweet little angel (as he's only called when asleep) and tuck him into his bed until his morning feeding when he gets to snuggle with Mama and Dada.
10pm - Attempt to stay awake long enough to have some quality snuggle time on the couch with the hubby before we crash for the night and the day starts all over again.

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